February 2025

Prayers in the Pew NEWSLETTER

(2 Pages)

January 2025

Prayers in the Pew NEWSLETTER

(2 Pages)

December 2024

Prayers in the Pew NEWSLETTER

(2 Pages)

Faith Fundamentals SUPPLEMENT
(1 Page)

The Prayers in the Pew Monthly Newsletters are faith formation companions to our Prayer Cards, Novenas and Books. Ideally, they are to be inserted into the parish bulletin on the first Sunday of every  month or the last Sunday of the preceding month.

The Newsletter is an astounding source of information and education for the Catholic in the pew. Each newsletter contains:

  • A calendar of liturgical feasts for that month;
  • A synopsis of the spiritual themes pertaining to the month”s feast days and teachings;
  • A background explanation of one of the Prayers in the Pew Card prayers;
  • Scriptural citations and quotes from our favorite saints;
  • Teachings from the Catechism of the Catholic Church; and
  • A Knights of Columbus “Faith in Action” program.

Wow, what a treasure chest of riches for the faithful! It is our way of helping all Catholics to better “Learn, Live and Love their Faith.”