About Us
Table of Contents
Allow us to introduce ourselves. We are two Catholic guys from San Diego. Our names are Anthony and Jimmy, and we’re both husbands and fathers who are dedicated to raising our families in the truth of Christ’s Kingdom as handed down to us by the Catholic Church.
The Prayer Card Guys
The thousands of people who receive our monthly emails know us simply as “The Prayer Card Guys,” and you’ll see why in a minute.
God has given us the mission of getting people to pray more – in fact, it is our passion!
Since the best prayer we know is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, our first prayer card, called Prayers in the Pew, was dedicated to helping people prepare for Mass and dispose their hearts to receive the fullness of grace that is available to us in the Eucharist.
But there’s so much more. The other Prayer Cards, Newsletters, Novenas, and Books we offer on this site all come from that same commitment to getting people to pray more. All of these materials do one thing: they bring us back to basics.
- They reminds us of the Church’s basic and most beloved prayers;
- They root us in the Church’s Catechism;
- They inspire us through the lives and teachings of the saints; and
- They put tangible resources into our hands for living the Catholic faith.
We try to offer people the fullness of Faith, which is the gift of the Church that Christ founded.
BUT… We’re busy guys, and we know we can’t get a million of these prayer cards into the hands of people all around the country so…we’re relying on you to help us! We want to recruit you into being a prayer missionary.
How You Can Help Us
It’s simple. Get our Prayer Cards, Newsletters, Novenas, and Books and hand them out to others. Simple, right? Here’s how:
- Show them to your parish priests and see if they will order a package for all the pews in your parish;
- Give the Prayer Cards to special groups in your circle of influence (family ministries, pro-life groups, Marian apostolates, conferences and events, etc.) who will appreciate the prayers that correspond to their particular interests;
- Send the link or download a couple samples of the monthly Newsletter for the parish secretary or whoever prepares the parish bulletin on a weekly basis – they’re always looking for good materials!
Our Lord Jesus Christ will be immensely pleased with your efforts.
Above all, we wish to thank you for joining us in a mission that is growing like a mustard seed. Everything that is good starts small – and grows through God’s grace.
Getting Back to Basics
Our trademark Sit Stand Kneel programs are designed to support the faith development of Catholic families, parishes, and faith communities. The essence of our programs is “getting back to basics” – basic prayers, basic understandings of Church teachings, and basic spirituality. We propose:
- A way to “Learn, Live, and Love” our faith: Sit, Stand, Kneel materials present a practical, friendly, and effective learning system to help Catholics know more about Catholicism.
- Go-to evangelization devices: Once you have benefited from them, these resources are meant to be handed out to family, friends, neighbors, and others; for that reason, our pricing will not break the bank.
- Quantity distribution: Our goal is to bring all 7.5 billion inhabitants of the earth into the Catholic Church so these materials are distributed in bulk to parishes, Catholic schools and bookstores, Catholic organizations and online communities.
- A clear difference: we offer prayer resources, newsletters, novenas and books – a one-stop-shopping adventure.
The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church is the best gift ever given to the world. Let’s act like it and get the word out!
Prayers in the Pew
Our Prayers in the Pew Cards are for faithful Catholic parishioners who wish to get more out of Mass. We can’t do enough to immerse ourselves more deeply each week in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
The Prayer Cards remind us to arrive early to Mass and are designed to help us dispose our hearts, minds, and souls to Christ so that we can drink deeply of the wellspring of graces offered in the Church’s greatest prayer.
Spending an extra ten minutes before Mass with Prayers in the Pew will help you:
- Experience the entire Mass as a work of God’s grace.
- Prepare to listen to the Word of God.
- Participate in the Eucharist worthily.
- Deepen your relationship with God, and
- Become a saint!
Prayers in the Pew cards are both intuitive and practical, designed to give voice to your gratitude and praise when you participate in the Eucharist, which St. Thomas Aquinas calls “the consummation of the whole spiritual life.”
Pete & Paulie
Maybe you’ve spotted the image of two birds in the footer of our website. They are Pete & Paulie, our braggadocious but lovable evangelists who help us break down the details of our Catholic faith in a fun and self-effacing way.
If you figured out where their names came from, you probably guessed right: two guys named Peter and Paul had something to do with setting up our Church 2000 years ago. And to the two great Apostles of our faith we dedicate this website.
Their icon has a permanent place on this website as our mascots, and find them with even greater frequency in the Sit, Stand, Kneel books. Their goal as ours, is to make learning our Faith fun for all ages.